The Lion and the Mouse
The Lion and the Mouse Written by Mairu Mackinnon Illustrated by Frank Endersby Published in 2008 by Usborne First Reading 32 Pages Traditional Literature Book Lion is sleeping when Mouse disturbs him which causes Lion to get mad. Mouse begs Lion not to eat him, so Lion spares him, and Mouse tells him he will make return the favor one day. However, Lion doesn't believe him because he's so small. One day, Lion gets caught in a human trap, but Mouse comes to his rescue! Lion apologizes for underestimating him, and they become best of friends!! The illustrations in this book are silly and cartoon-like in order to instill the sense of a silly, but possible bond between a mouse and a lion. The action shown in every page invites readers to turn the page just as quick as Mouse saved Lion!! This book is great for English! I would use this book with my littles (kindergartners) by reading the book out-loud to them. I would, however, pause throughout the book ...