The Time Machine

The Time Machine
Written by H.G. Wells and Chris Sasaki
Illustrated by Troy Howell
Published in 2008 by Sterling Children's Books
160 pages 
Science Fiction

The Traveler leaves Victorian London to an Earth 800,000 years into the future! Here he finds an Earth not quite like what he expected though. He finds an Earth in trouble of collapsing and losing many of the technologies his Victorian time period had even yet to discover. It's up to him to save, not the day, but the future!!

With illustrations showing a collapsing world at times, this book can be a little stronger for our smaller littles, but a perfect to exemplify a world in which societies don't come together and we don't take care of our planet!

This book is great for both science and social studies!! It helps our older littles (sixth-grade) understand countries and the importance of advances in technology by showing what happened to the world when we, as countries, didn't get along, and, as individuals, didn't take care of our planet. Personally, I would assign chapters to read every other night and we would relate them back to class by talking about international issues going on currently. It would also help in science by helping to explain pollution and the effects of not investing technology to improve the world instead of merely for monetary benefit.

Classic Starts : The Time Machine (Classic Starts Series)


  1. This book sounds like a great book to incorporate into the classroom! I agree, the book would be great to teach students the important of taking care of the earth and also creating new inventions to better the world. This book could be used in so many ways and would be a great way to integrate all of the subjects. Thanks for sharing! (:


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