Thunder Boy Jr.

Thunder Boy Jr.
Written by Sherman Alexie
Illustrated by Yuyi Morales
Published in 2016 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.
40 Pages
Diversity Perspective Book

Little Thunder is a Native American child who wants a name all of his own to distinguish himself from his father, Big Thunder. As he tries to find his new name he thinks of all his successes and interests... could he be Not Afraid of Ten Thousand Teeth or even Mud In His Ears?!?!? As he starts to give up, his dad approaches and gives him his new name- Lightning!!!

Striking illustrations that resemble the colors of Native American culture, this book brings culture to life, thus bringing our students together across new worlds! 

This diversity perspective book is great for social studies! It helps our littles (kindergartners) understand that different cultures have different traditions and sometimes that includes having names that we aren't always used to hearing, but are just as normal as ours!! Personally, I would read the book to the class and, afterwards, I would guide them deeper into the culture by talking about their celebrations, for example. I would end with a fun activity by letting each student name themself after something positive they've done. Overall, it would create students who are more open-minded to students of different ethnical backgrounds and create a more united classroom!! 


  1. I absolutely want this book now! I've never really seen Native American children's books before, and this seems like SUCH a great one to have on hand. I love how it talks about the naming process as well.


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